This year The Big Dig Archaeology Weekend was run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th May, as part of National Archaeology Week. This program is part of our ongoing site maintenance and conservation work.
Sydney Harbour YHA guests looking down the northern void over the weekend saw and heard the gentle scraping noises of archaeology ‘in action’, as The Big Dig Archaeology Weekend team carefully trowelled back the top mossy layer of the site and rescued surface artefacts. On other sections of the site, teams worked with our wonderful conservator, David McBeath from OHM Consulting, to stabilise remnant walls whilst learning about in situ archaeological site conservation.
The team had a great time, learning hands-on archaeological methods and skills whilst exploring The Rocks, with side visits to The Rocks Discovery Museum and Susannah Place Museum. A walk around Vivid was an added bonus.
Special thanks go to Dr Craig Barker from The Nicholson Museum at Sydney University for his entertaining and very informative talk on Archaeology, this year exploring some of the exciting historical links between archaeology and espionage.
An enormous thank you goes to our brilliant supervising Archaeologist, Helen Nicholson, who so generously shared her expertise and knowledge, along with a selection of marvellous anecdotes.
Final thanks go to The Big Dig Weekenders 2018 team for all their dedicated work over the weekend! It was a great pleasure working with you.
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