Dr Daniel Schávelzon, Director, Centre for Urban Archaeology Argentina, and Patricia Frazzi, Specialist in the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Heritage, will be giving a presentation about their work discovering, preserving and sharing the Historical Archaeology of Buenos Aires and Argentina.

Their talk will include the fascinating excavations of what was likely a Nazi hideout, hidden in the remote jungle of Teyú Cuaré Park in  Misiones on the border with Paraguay, which attracted international media attention.

This talk is being hosted by The Australian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA). ASHA extends a warm welcome to members of ICOMOS, AACAI, ArchSoc and HTA NSW.

Time:  Friday 1st December 2017 at 6.00pm. Doors open at 5.30pm.

Venue:  The Big Dig Archaeology Education Centre

RSVP:  Seating is limited, so please RSVP to: secretary@asha.org.au

Washington Post link  BBC News link   ABC News link